Kingswalk_Gym Wear

Hi loves, 
Today I am sharing one of looks for the gym . I started my workout routine about eight months ago and I have to admit that I am loving the progress. At times hard but holding strong. Some of the things I like and enjoy about working out is how it makes me feel after a session. All the troubles I have had during the day I find that they no longer weigh on me. The feeling that I get when I realize that I am able to push myself harder than I thought is just explainable. My goal for joining the gym was to tone up and work on my upper body mostly. I have an awesome trainer who pushes me and keeps going, I have much to thank him for the progress I have made so far and I am super excited about the future. I can't wait to see more gains, it may take time but I am as patient as it is needed of me.

Some of the things I have been battling with is water drinking and my diet. I have come to realize drinking water like people say 8 glasses  is not an easy thing but hopefully I will get used to it soon. I hoping to increase my intake with a glass or two to begin with as I work on my diet.

Feel free to share with me about your fitness routine I would really appreciate a few pointers. 
Thanks for reading. Talk to you soon.
With lots of love,
Carole & Juelz John

The tops am wearing can be found Here

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  1. Awesome my dear!
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  2. Que maximo amei saúde é importante,
    obrigado pela visita, tenha semana abençoada.

  3. Hi, beautiful photos. I'm your new GFC follower!

  4. Cool and chic :) <3

  5. Amazing gym outfit!!

  6. Looks very interesting. Thanks a lot for sharing and have a nice day)

  7. Amazing photos, so nice and interesting, and so motivatio, too!
    Love this outfit.

    New post is on my blog! Visit me, Maleficent

  8. As usual interesting post! Thanks a lot for sharing)

  9. Looking great !


  10. As usual very interesting, dear! Thanks a lot for sharing)

  11. I think it so wonderful that you are so committed... I want to get back into taking care of myself... using weights is a good way to start... Your outfit looks lovely on you xox

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