Bedroom Essentials with FreedomSilk

Hello, today I am collaborating with Freedom Silk to bring you some Bedroom essentials and share some tips that I think are perfect for a good night sleep. We all know how important sleep is to our bodies. it gives time for our bodies to rejuvenate and heal. What do you think of this Camisole Set? I really love silk wear when sleeping. This combined with silk beddings, it's just a perfect feeling.

One of the things that I find very important is having proper begging, how cute is this Silk Bed Set ? I find it elegant too. There is something about silk that screams expensive. Sleeping on a comfortable pillow and a mattress is very key. Your bed has to be one that makes you feel comfortable for you to be able to get enough sleep with no disruption. The other thing that I have found helpful is sticking to a routine. Making sure that I sleep at the same time every day have helped my body to be able to switch off when it gets to that time and I do not have to struggle much or wait for long before falling a sleep. Find taking a calming tea one hour or 30 mins before sleep to be helpful too. Since I am able to fall asleep fast. 
These Silk Pajamas were one of favorites from the site. Mainly because I think it can also be styled out of the bedroom. I have seen people rock this out and look super beautiful. What do you think of this set?
Let me know what you think of this pieces? 
With lots of Love

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  1. Love the first pj set. I’m a huge fan of cozy pjs.

  2. I love wearing silky PJs around summer time. This bed is makes me want to sleep.

  3. I love the bed set, it looks so elegant!

  4. Hello Carole
    I am completely in love with silk, I have some problems with sleep, I have to take pills and in fact even taking them I don't sleep much. But I bet with these beautiful silk pajamas to die for, I would not need any pills anymore... I loved what you showed us.

  5. OMG obsessed with the printed pj! Have a lovely day. xx


  6. Both sets are so stylish! I can see that floral top styled as a shirt for going out.

  7. Thank you for sharing the beautiful information!
    I just checked the Freedomsilk website, and there are lots of wonderful items!!


  8. Fabulous girl... also have a few sleepwear accessories that I sampled.

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