Self love: Body Acceptance


'Embrace and love your body it is the most amazing thing you will ever have. " This been said I believe it is important to exercise regularly. This helps in the physical as well as the mental wellbeing. Ever since I started my fitness journey I am happier than I used to be, it helps me to release all the negative energy that I have and I have grown to love my body as it is. I am more than motivated to reach my body goals day after day. Loving your body has a lot to do with self-love. You cannot love yourself if you are always criticizing your body. There is a time I could look in the mirror and all I could think was I need to lose a few inches here and there. But this has changed, I now see a beautiful girl with so much to look forward to. Instead of beating myself up, I now get motivated to work harder towards my body goals and to eat clean.

 Below I am sharing some pointers that I have found really useful in body acceptance.
1. Be kind to your body. 
Your body is a reflection of how good you are to it. For instance, drinking a lot of water reflects on your glow so does avoiding fatty foods.
2. I have learned to listen to my body.
If I have a reaction to something I discontinue the usage. And I make sure to get the much-needed rest.
3. Make the mirror your friend. 
Every time I look in the mirror I say nice things about my body and compliment myself for the progress that I have made. This helps me to accept myself more and love how I look. 
4 Setting realistic goals
Ever seen these adverts and remedies that promise you abs in 7 days, well they do not work. Tried a few and gave up.One thing that I have learned in my short-lived years, is that it takes time and one has to be really patient and consistent.
"Your worth is not measured by the size of your waist". 

I would love to hear what you think about body acceptance. Feel free to leave me a comment below.

My makeup is done by glam_with_carey check her out on instagram
I wish you all a great weekend,
With lots of love 

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  1. Setting realistic goals has helped me big time in my weight lost journey.

  2. I do agree with you. We cannot love our body if we criticize it all the time. Accepting and loving our body as it is, that's what is important, both for our physical and mental health.

    Lovely photos! You look pretty.

  3. Loving yourself really is the key to living a life full of joy and happiness. This is something I didn't realize until a few short years ago! What a wonderful post.

  4. Great tips and you look amazing! Love that top!

  5. you're beautiful. but I envy you because I unfortunately do not fully accept my body ...

  6. I like the content and also you look great dear. I think yes! You should embrace yourself. :)

  7. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on self-acceptance. Love this classic sexy look!

  8. Body acceptance is really important since all love begins with self love.

  9. Hi doll,
    Your pictures are gorgeous! Being in my 40s, I worry a lot about what people will say if I take sexy pictures. But I have to think about what's comfortable for me to do. Thanks for sharing these tips with us.

  10. I think every woman has moments in life that has problem with this... Great advices my dear!

  11. Hello Carole
    When we accept us like we really are we can be happy we have everything we need to be happy no matter what.
    I understand that sometimes we dont like what we see on the mirror but we are not looking to us but to a estereotype we see on the magazines.
    That kind of perfection doesn t exist. We must understand all the tricks.
    Self love is the best way to handle with body acceptance. And you are wonderful.

  12. Thanks a lot :D

    I'm totally agree with you, for sure!!!
    Your words are so strong!!

    InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  13. Gurl this outfit is soo cute- great post with such a good message!
    Lulu Xx |

  14. Such a cool post, you look gorgeous!

  15. Your advice sounds excellent - I would do well to practice your methods of self love and learn body acceptance - I do struggle with it.
    Your eye-makeup, mascara and lipstick all look very pretty, as do your earrings, necklace and pendant.
    That bra is beautiful! I love how it looks styled with the blue denim shirt-dress.
    You look absolutely fabulous in all of your outfit photos!

    P.S.: Thank you so much for the lovely comment you left on my post at

  16. Another lovely outfit!
    I love that deep blue colour of your shirt! :)

    Have a nice day :*

    Sakurakotoo ❀ ❀ ❀

  17. Muy buena entrada, y si lo mejor es amarse a sí misma, ya hay demasiados estereotipos extremos y perfiles de belleza errados que desean implantarnos, que lo mejor es no hacer caso a ellos y amarse a sí mismo, de lo contrario uno termina mal, por cierto te vez muy bien en las fotos, saludos:D

  18. Body acceptance is so important! Very insightful post!

  19. Stai benissimo complimenti bel look

  20. We have only one body and one life, there is no point in hating yourself because time goes very fast. But constant self-development is also very useful.

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