Perfects Coat and Sweaters for Fall and Winter

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Are you looking forward to Black Friday like I am? Today I am collaborating with FashionMe to share with you some of the things that they already have discounted and what you can expect to find during black Friday. Today I will be focusing on coats and some outwear pieces in preparation for winter and they are also perfect for fall. I am a huge fan of sweaters, both chunky knits, and light sweaters. I find light sweaters to be perfect for layering. I am sharing some of my best picks from FashionMe let me know what you think. 

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What do you think of these sweaters, I find them perfect for almost all seasons. And the best thing is that you can dress them up and down as you wish with different accessories. Perfect for layering with scarves or a coat if it gets chilly. 
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I recommend the site if you are looking for a good bargain. They have quite a variety of things from dresses, tops, beachwear, and accessories among other things. If you happen to browse through the site let me know what you best part was. 

With love,

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  1. Love so much nude colors so these looks are so beautiful!

  2. Such a beautiful items! Thank you for sharing!


  3. I agree Carole, all these selections are perfect for Fall! Love it!

  4. Love the pink and olive sweater.

  5. Although it doesn't get too cold in SoCal I'm still going to check these out because they're so chic!

  6. I like these selections; beautiful colors and great quality. Thanks for sharing...

  7. Thank God for the summer is approaching here!
    But I liked the coats and sweaters, very warm and beautiful! :)

  8. I loved the sweater dressed in gray, it is beautiful, I send you a greeting:D

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