Happy new month,
I hope August is off to a good start.
I am happy to be introducing to you a website called Baginning a site that deals with everything bags. Bagginning is a website that just deals with bags and therefore you can easily get any type that you are looking for since there is a variety. This range from chain bags, tote bags, leather bags, and clutch bags among others. There is a variety of different stylings and pairings.
I love that you can find bags of all sizes on the website, from small-sized bags, medium-sized, large-sized bags. The bags are also fairly priced, where most of them are below $100. The above bag is one of my best from the site because it is large enough to fit most of the things that I would carry around. For instance, the bag this bag would fit a tablet and a laptop meaning I would not have to carry an extra laptop bag.
There is a large collection of cute purses which I like. They come in different shapes and sizes. You can see more of the cute purses
This is an example of how one can style one of the bags casually.
See large tote bags here
Thanks for reading,
Talk to you soon.
What a great idea. Looks so good. xx
ReplyDeleteTodo es precioso ! Espero tu opinión en mi última entrada! Feliz dÃa! ♡♡♡
ReplyDeleteI love the heart-shaped bag so much <3
this look so amazing ... thanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteHave a nice day
Kinza Khushboo
Glamorous without the Guilt
Bloglovin | Glamorous without the Guilt
Great bags :)
ReplyDeleteI liked the two handbags very much
ReplyDeleteOh so cute picks darling
This web site sounds great!!!
ReplyDeleteSo many lovely bags!!!
Kisses, Paola.
looks so amazing
Thank you for taking the lovely picture with Japanese candy!!
ReplyDeleteI really love your selection, that is so gorgeous and elegant!!