10 Reasons You Should Own A cat


 Reasons Why You Should Own a Cat

1. Helps to reduce allergies in kids

The National Institute of Heath notes that if people are exposed to pets at a young age, it helps prevent common types of allergies, such as dust mites, grass, and ragweed. 

10 reasons you should own a cat
Source: Laca Living

2. Cats keep your house and your yard rodent-free

If you are not a fan of rodents, here is a solution. Cats will gladly take care of them; if you are lucky enough, you will even get a present while at it. 

Source: Laca Living

3. Cats help to reduce stress

People have numerous ways of relieving stress. Cat people admit that stroking cats helps to reduce stress. Cats have a calming effect which is good for the heart and reduces anxiety. 

Cats help reduce stress
Source: Modkat

4. Cat owners are smart

Studies have shown that people who own cats are likely to be smarter than those who own dogs. A study by the University of Bristol showed that people who own cats are likelier to have degrees than those who own dogs.

Reasons to own a cat
Source: Rover

Why Cats Make The Best Pets

5. Companionship

Some people have compared owning cats to having a romantic partner. This is because you are never alone when you have a cat. The cat follows you everywhere, and they remember when people are kind to them, and they reciprocate it. 

Why cats make the best pets
Source: The Guardian

6. Cats are low-maintenance and independent

Contrary to many's opinions, owning pets is time-consuming as they require a lot of responsibility. Cats are ideal pets as they are low maintenance and require less responsibility than other pets. On most occasions, cats take care of themselves. 

10 reasons to own a cat
Source: Daily Paws

Read more on cats 10 Care Tips For Senior Cats (Keep your Cat Happy)

7. They are very photogenic

If you love to take pictures, cats are your best pets. They are extremely photogenic, which means all your pictures will be beautiful. 

Source: SheKnows

8. Cats are ideal pets for apartment

A lot of landlords have no problem with people keeping cats in the apartments as they do not disturb the neighbors. They are quiet compared to other pets like dogs.

Why cats are a better pet compared to dogs
Source: Windy City Paws

9. Cats groom themselves

While you do have to groom them once now and then. Most of the work is already done. Cats spend a lot of time grooming themselves.

Reasons you should own a cat
Source: The Dapper Cat

10. Cats are simply adorable

No one can argue with this.

Why cats make the best pets
Source: MyStart

Here are 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Cats and Their Answers.


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