Nairobi Street Fashion Event

Glamour ZONE
1 minute read
Happy Monday. I hope your week has started well. It feels live forever since we made a new post. That was a great weekend we got to attend two fashion events. This was one of them, i have to say i was a bit dissapointed I expected more. It was an ok show. Great designers i ve uploaded some of my best looks We wore the same dresses just a little different styling. There were so many media houses and we do love camera moments so we really enjoyed posing for the cameras made a pal Jacque with my best designer of the day. LEDIDA he made the pink and blue suit below. He is also a blogger. We had so much fun hanging out We will share the next event next, which i enjoyed more. Stay in Fashion. XOXO Cheers

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  1. great look dolls

  2. I love your looks!! You were both amazing!Kisses:)

  3. Great! going with the same outfit jejeje

    Kisses from Spain, Kela
    Today new post, don´t miss it!

  4. well check you out girls... Great black & gold dresses

    Kisses from Dublin

  5. Your dress is awsome, you both look great :)

  6. Hello from Spain: awesome dress. Nice pictures. . Keep in touch

  7. Wow :) Great photorelations :)
    Girls you look so stunning :)

    Kiss from Poland :)

  8. Thank you very much for your kind comment on my blog. In response to your question, of course we can follow each other via bloglovin. This black and gold dress looks great on you.

    Have a wonderful day!

  9. Amazing styles ! Dresses are wonderful :)

  10. Looks like nice event!
    Following you on Gfc and Instagram!

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